माननीय न्यायमूर्ति द्वारा दीपावली शुभकामना संदेश
स्वच्छ, सुरक्षित एवं पर्यावरण प्रदूषण रहित दीपावली मनाने हेतु माननीय सुप्रीम कोर्ट, माननीय हाई कोर्ट एवं डीएसएचआडी संगठन के माननीय संरक्षक गण द्वारा प्रेषित शुभकामना संदेश
Happy Diwali to all remain blessed Say no to polluting Crackers. Observe safety and clean your surroundings.
Justice Shiva Kirti Singh
For. Judge Supreme Court

Wish you all are very very happy Deepawali and prosperous New Year
S C Justice C K Thakkar
For. Judge Supreme Court

दीवाली रोशनी का त्योहार है जो हमारे जीवन में अंधेरे के ऊपर रोशनी के प्रसार का द्योतक है इस दिवाली को दीपों से रोशन करें।
Hon’ble justice Dr. D.S. Sinha
For. Judge High Court Gujarat

डी एस एच आर डी परिवार के समस्त सदस्यों एवम देश के समस्त नागरिकों को रोशनी के त्यौहार दीपावली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।
Hon’ble Justice R.K. Rastogi
For. Judge High Court Allahabad

Wishing you Mrs. Madhu Gupta and all members of DSHRD organization, a very happy and colourful Diwali and Govardhan Puja.
Hon’ble Justice Ravindra Singh Yadav
For. Judge High Court Allahabad
Diwali is a festival of light- the light that is self effulgent and eternal. It is not a festival of playing with crackers etc. which is injurious to health and safety of man kind.
Justice S.R. Singh
For. Judge High Court Allahabad

Wish chairman and all the members of DSHRD very happy and prosperous deepawali.
Hon’ble Justice S.S. Jha
For. Judge High Court (M.P.)

Diwali without crackers
Happy Diwali, this time go to some orphanage and celebrate with them, give them sweets and lightening crackers. Crackers pollute air. Moreover noise scare pets.
Why should we celebrate our festival annoying neighbors, pets and polluting air. Go to those who are not so fortunate and try to shun hatred.
Justice Sudhir Kumar Saxena
for. Judge High Court

Dhanteras is celebrated as its birthday of Lord Dhanvantri, father of medicine and ayurveda.
The REAL DHAN is our health. So today, let’s all pray for each other and our families for the best of health for everyone, physical spiritual, emotional, mental.
Justice Mahendra Dayal
For. Judge High Court Allahabad

May this festival of light and good hope lighten your life with infinite happiness, joy and memories galore.
On this Deepawali greeting you All and your family & loved ones festivity bliss.
Wish you a safe and a sparkling Diwali.
Justice Darshan Singh
For. Judge Pb. & Haryana High Court.

सुख, शांति, समृद्धि, यश, वैभव की मंगल कामनाओं सहित इंद्रधनुषी आभायुक्त पावन पर्व दीपावली की आपको और आपके पूरे परिवार को हार्दिक बधाई व शुभकामनायें
माननीय न्यायमूर्ति पंकज मिठाई
पूर्व जज हाई कोर्ट इलाहबाद

A semblance of humanity
Very happy deepawali. Help countrymen by assuring and ensuring to keep environment clean and healthy and celebrate holy festival with joy using green crackers.
Justice Sudhir Agarwal
For. Judge High Court Allahabad

Happy Diwali to all the citizens of the Country.
I humbly request all the citizens not to burst prohibited firecrackers on this sacred festival,
so as to keep pollution free environments
Justice Sham Sunder
For. Judge Pb. & Haryana High Court.

ज्योति पर्व दीपावली को प्रदूषणरहित बनाए मानव स्वास्थ सर्वोपरि
न्यायमूर्ति आर एन मिश्रा
पूर्व न्यायधीश हाई कोर्ट इलाहाबाद

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